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15" Double T barrel style saddle with matching headstall and breast collar

  • 35495

Double T barrel style saddle with matching headstall and breast collar. Skirt is accented with medium oil leather with basket weave and floral tooling on rough out style skirt accented with cut out zebra pattern. Pommel is accented with both floral and basket weave tooling. Cantle has basket weave tooling and is accented with silver laced rawhide. Seat is hair on zebra print. Rough out fenders and jockey are accented with a tooled boarder. Saddle is accented with silver zebra print conchos. Headstall and breast collar feature hair on zebra print with silver studs, silver zebra print conchos and hardware. Made by Double T Saddlery. 
**Please note Zebra print will vary.**

Model: 1016

Tree:    Wood Tree Fiberglass Covered

Seat:  14", 15", 16" Zebra print

Bars:  Semi Quarter horse

Swell: 12"        

Gullet:  7"

Horn:   3"

Cantle: 4"

Skirts:  14" - 11 1/2" x 24 1/2"
             15" -10 1/2 " x 25"
             16" - 12" x 26"

Stirrup Adjustment:  32"-35"      **Additional holes can be added to stirrup leathers** 

14" - 24 lbs.
15" - 25lbs.
16"- 26lbs.